Ridgefield Co., Property Owner Cited for Wetlands Violations at North Wilton Road

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A Ridgefield-based landscaping company and North Wilton Road property owner each are facing a $1,000 fine following citations for violations of New Canaan’s wetlands regulations.

Earth-disturbing activities at 749 North Wilton Road in New Canaan. Inland Wetlands photo

Town officials this month issued a cease-and-desist order for unpermitted activities taking place at 749 North Wilton Road and instructed the homeowner to contact Planning & Zoning to review the height of a new stone wall and deer fence installed on the 4.02-acre property, according to documents obtained by NewCanaanite.com.

Acting on a tip about possible regulated activities there, staff in the New Canaan Inland Wetlands Department “viewed a significant amount of earth disturbing activities around and over wetlands,” according to a Jan. 12 citation letter.

Earth-disturbing activities at 749 North Wilton Road in New Canaan. Inland Wetlands photo

They included removal of vegetation from flagged wetlands and upland areas, creation of a stone wall in and adjacent to wetlands and watercourse, disturbance of soils because of that work and dismantling of an existing stone wall from an upland review area, the citation letter said.

“These activities have disturbed the wetlands that are protected under the regulations,” the letter said. “Minimal soil and erosion controls were installed.”

Specifically, the property is cited for violating Section 5.4 of the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations, which reads in part:

All activities in wetlands and watercourses involving filling, excavation, dredging, clear cutting, grading, or any other alteration or use of a wetland or watercourse not specifically permitted by this section and otherwise defined as a regulated activity by these regulations shall require a permit from the Commission … or for certain regulated activities located outside of wetlands and watercourses from the duly authorized Agent.

The parcel at 749 North Wilton Road includes a split-level home and is owned by a limited liability company at an adjacent 7.76-acre property, tax records show. Ridgefield-based Environmental Site Developers, Inc. separately was cited for the same violations. Officials from that company could not immediately be reached for comment.

The Inland Wetlands Commission is expected to discuss the citations at its meeting on Monday night.

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