Police: Two Forced-Entry Burglaries in New Canaan This Past Weekend

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Police are reporting two forced-entry burglaries from New Canaan homes over the weekend.

The assailants stole cash, jewelry and electronics from homes on Gower and Rosebrook Roads, according to a media bulletin issued by Police Chief Leon Krolikowski.

“We urge all New Canaan residents to activate their alarm systems, secure all valuables, and report suspicious persons or vehicle to our Department via 911,” the chief said.

No one was home during the most recent burglaries, which tend to see an uptick during the holidays, Krolikowski said. Last week, police reported that FedEx deliveries were being stolen from New Canaan residences.

The total value of what was stolen was not immediately clear, according to Krolikowski. Homeowners are still taking an inventory of the items, he said.

Alarm systems had not been activated at the residences that were hit, the chief said.

Here are tips from Krolikowski on how to “beat the burglars.”

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