Two DUI Arrests in New Canaan

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Police arrested a 45-year-old Norwalk man last Thursday evening and charged him with driving under the influence.

At about 6:55 p.m. on Oct. 22, an officer parked near the Lakeview Avenue entrance to the New Canaan Highway Department saw a car turn onto the access road and speed toward the (closed) gate at the far side, above the cemetery, according to a police report.

Police stopped the motorist and smelled a strong odor of alcohol emitting from the car, the report said. The officer could see three empty Bud Light bottles in plain view and another open bottle inside the car, the report said.

The motorist failed field sobriety tests and refused breath tests, police said.

He additionally was charged with operating an unregistered motor vehicle. Police released him on $250 bond and scheduled him to appear Nov. 3 in state Superior Court in Norwalk.


A 64-year-old Norwalk woman faces drunk driving charges after police came upon her after midnight Saturday immediately following a motor vehicle accident.

At about 1:45 a.m. on Oct. 24, an officer on patrol on Oenoke Ridge Road found a car facing southbound with its hazard lights on and damage on its front end and passenger side, according to a police report.

The officer stopped to make sure the driver was OK, and during the course of their conversation, smelled a strong odor of alcohol on her breath.

The woman then failed field sobriety tests and declined to take a breath test, the report said.

She was released on $250 bond and scheduled to appear Nov. 3 in state Superior Court in Norwalk.

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