VIDEO: New Canaan Police Undergo Live-Fire, Scenario-Based Training

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NCPD simulator training Oct 27 2015

Uploaded by Michael Dinan on 2015-10-27.

New Canaan police officers this week are undergoing live-fire, scenario-based shooting training that’s designed to hone their critical ability to make very fast decisions on when to use their guns (see video above).

Taking place in a specially outfitted, armor-lined trailer that’s parked around back of department headquarters, officers are getting the training in pairs and undergoing evaluations by a firearms instructor, said Police Chief Leon Krolikowski.

The live-fire training is “a better evaluator of how to make decisions than something that is very static,” he told

“I think we have had a little over 100 officers killed this year, about one-third of those by gunfire,” the chief said. “Certainly we want our officers to make the best decision possible—not only to save their own life, but also to make sure they are making a correct decision. We have to make sure we give officers best training we can.”

This week marks the first time that New Canaan Police have undergone this specific training, he said.

New Canaanite Penny Young, a member of the Town Council, said she also went through the simulator (see video above, that’s her) with a modified .22 “because I wanted to be aware of the commitment of our officers for current training.”

“And to understand the sensitivity of all of their situations that they respond with a discerning and educated response,” she said.

Asked to describe the training itself, she said: “The training itself was one which really showed me the speed with which our officers have to evaluate a situation and respond. I have a greater respect for the situations that they have to confront and I’m comfortable with their training level.

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