Letter: Mallozzi ‘Understands the Issues Facing Local Businesses’

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In my role as the Director of the New Canaan Chamber of Commerce and as a resident, I have seen first -hand just how fortunate New Canaan is to have Rob Mallozzi as our First Selectman. Rob truly understands the issues facing local businesses and realizes that our downtown is one of the crown jewels of New Canaan.

Rob and the Chamber have worked closely and collaboratively on many downtown initiatives that support and promote the downtown village. I always know that I have his full support and that I can present all sorts of ideas and projects and in return, he does all he can to make them happen.

Our downtown and our businesses need Rob to work on their behalf to make sure that we tackle problems, create solutions and do all we can together to make them successful.

Tucker Murphy

Executive Director, NC Chamber of Commerce

[Editor’s Note: NewCanaanite.com will accept letters of endorsement for the Nov. 3 elections through Oct. 19. Writers should include a street address and daytime phone number when submitting.]

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