Police: Frogtown Road Man’s SUV Egged for Third Time in Four Months

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A 50-year-old Frogtown Road man told police last week that his SUV had been egged overnight for the third time in about four months.

According to Sgt. Peter Condos of the New Canaan Police Department, the man told police at 9 a.m. on June 29 that he awoke that morning to find broken eggshells in his driveway and egg yolk over his 2012 Ford Escape’s windshield, roof and rear window.

The man told police that he had no idea who could be targeting him or whether there’s someone angry with him who may be seeking revenge, according to a police report.

According to the report, the man has a teenage child, though it isn’t clear whether the perpetrators are targeting that individual, either.

The man didn’t report the first two incidents, the report said.

Police are investigating.

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