Vacant 2-Acre Parcel on Hemlock Hill Road Sells for $1,650,000

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The following property transfers were recorded in the Town Clerk’s Office this past week and the prior week. For more information on each parcel, click on its address.

April 16

52 Fawn Lane

  • $950,000
  • Paul Spring to Bruce Sessa
This 2.07-acre parcel at 183 Hemlock Hill Road—just in from West Road—sold April 13 for $1,650,000. Credit: Michael Dinan

This 2.07-acre parcel at 183 Hemlock Hill Road—just in from West Road—sold April 13 for $1,650,000. Credit: Michael Dinan

April 13

183 Hemlock Hill Road

  • $1,650,000
  • Michael Canoro to Fore Group Inc.

April 6

30 Knapp Lane

  • $660,000
  • William Nuckols to John Wyatt Uhlein

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