‘With Incredible Care and Gentleness’: Letters of Appreciation for New Canaan Police

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Police Chief Leon Krolikowski shared the following letters of appreciation for New Canaan Police at the Sept. 18, 2019 meeting of the Police Commission.

NCPD Officer Rex Sprosta.


Officer Rex Sprosta

“With much appreciation for your program to install car seats. Officer Rex was so helpful—explained everything and did a great job.”

—Stephanie Shernier


NCPD Officer Nicole Vartuli. Contributed

Officers Nicole Vartuli and Matthew Blank

“Dear Chief Krolikowski,

“I wanted to take this opportunity to commend and thank two officers who were particularly helpful to my crew in the wee hours of Thursday, August 15th. I responded from home, 10 minutes away, as a back-up driver around 12:30 AM on said dat and met my partner at EMS HQ. An extremely large man had recently had back surgery and was unable to move. Due to the delay in response time, Officer Nicole Vartuli was the first responder and by the time we arrived on scene, she met us with a complete assessment of the situation as well as of the patient’s information.

NCPD Officers Matthew Blank and Sebastian Obando. Credit: Michael Dinan

“As mentioned the patient was more than two ‘elderly EMTs’ could handle, even with Officer Vartuli’s help as the steps and pathway down the rig were narrow, steep and precarious. In consideration of our personality safety, I asked her to please see if an additional officer was available and within minutes, Officer Matt Blank appeared on the scene. With incredible care and gentleness, communicating the entire time with the patient and with each other, they maneuvered the patient into the stair chair and down to the awaiting stretcher. As the patient was in terrible pain with each movement, we simply could not have done it without them. Their professionalism and kindness to the patient were exemplary and noteworthy.

“We at NCEMS, are very fortunate to be able to work with such caring individuals by our sides. I hope that you will let them know how incredibly helpful they were to us that particular night. As always, thank you for your leadership and hiring of such fine officers. They sure help make our job easier and the patients are the ones who benefit.

“With gratitude, Wendy C. Hillboldt”

Officer Shane Gibson


Officer Shane Gibson

“Hi Chief Krolikowski,

“I hope you are doing well. I know you are extremely busy, but I just want to drop you a quick note.

“I want to tell you how impressed I was with Officer Shane Gibson last night. I was at Waveny Park last night playing a Men’s Softball Playoff Game. Officer Gibson was doing his duty to make sure that everyone was safe at the Park, and stopped by to check in on the softball teams. He was incredibly professional, respectful and did his job with integrity and a high level of service. He gave all the softball players a warm feeling about what a great place New Canaan is to participate in some recreational activity while enjoying a beautiful day.

“I know a police officer’s job is not easy, and I am sure there are a lot of difficult situations that all of you face in the line of duty. I do want to tell you how grateful my family and I are for all you and your team’s service to our community. We do not take it for granted and are humbled every day by it.

“My family moved to New Canaan 27 years ago mainly for the New Canaan School system. Although the youngest of my four sons will be graduating the High School this year, we plan on staying in New Canaan for the foreseeable future. This is our home. We feel safe, secure, and respected here, a big part of which is due to the New Canaan Police Department, the best in the business.

“Thank you, —Michael [Chen]”

NCPD Officer Annamaria Ceci


Officers Gibson, Christopher Dewey and Annamaria Ceci and Lt. Carol Ogrinc

“Good afternoon—

“Had to send this before I left today! I had to call into your front desk the afternoon around 4:30 PM today in regard to two which I thought were minors stealing, but happened to be a 16 year old and a 20 year old accomplice. Officer Kelly Coughlin was on dispatch and was super thorough and kept me on hold while she called officers and dispatched them. She offered to stay on the phone in case the individuals tried to leave.

NCPD Officer Chris Dewey.

“Officer Christopher Dewey was the first to arrive along with Officer Annamaria Ceci, Officer Shane Gibson and [Lt.] Carol Ogrinc. They listened to the story and then proceeded. I appreciate the quick arrival and professional mannerism. After watching it on the camera the New Canaan Police Department looked pretty amazing inside the Mobil Mart.

New Canaan Police Department Lt. Carol Ogrinc. Credit: Michael Dinan

I would have to say this group of officers are dynamite together! They are just simply awesome! I greatly appreciate everything they do and have done for me and my business! I also appreciate how they react to keep our town safe! 

“Thank you for having such amazing officers and keeping our businesses safe! —Maria Kean”


New Canaan Animal Control Officer Allyson Halm. Photo by Mackenzie Lewis

Animal Control Office Allyson Halm

“A related note on behalf of the entire New Canaan Exchange Club, thank you for taking the time out of your evening to come and speak to us.

“It was a very informative and enjoyable presentation. The slideshow was wonderful. Thank you for watching our pets.”

One thought on “‘With Incredible Care and Gentleness’: Letters of Appreciation for New Canaan Police

  1. I love seeing these letters – our NCPD force is the best of the best. We are fortunate to have every one of the men and women who keep our town safe.

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