Animal Control Roundup: Richmond Hill Road Dog Keeps Getting out through Fence with Broken Latch

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The New Canaan Police Department Animal Control unit has ticketed the owner of a German shepherd-mix dog that got off property for the fourth time in recent months.

The 4-year-old mix keeps getting out through a fence gate whose latch is broken at the owners’ Richmond Hill Road property, Officer Maryann Kleinschmitt said.

“He runs through a neighbor’s yard and has been found on Weed Street,” Kleinschmitt said.

The owners have four dogs in all and rent their house here, Kleinschmitt said. They were fined for allowing a dog to roam following this latest incident, at around 9:40 a.m. on Nov. 23 (a Sunday).


Police at about 1:53 p.m. on Nov. 13 put down a fox that appeared to be sick.

A West Hills Road resident phoned police about a fox that appeared to have fallen over on its back and didn’t move, officials say. The animal was still alive when Kleinschmitt said she arrived, and it was difficult to tell whether the animal was suffering with distemper or rabies. It didn’t have any signs of mange on it, Kleinschmitt said.

The full-grown fox, relatively young, had no contact with humans or domestic animals, she said.


A deer that apparently had been wounded but not killed by a bow hunter spent at least one day roaming in the Old Studio Road area before police finally located the animal and put it down.

An initial call came in at 11:29 a.m. on Nov. 14 from an Old Stamford Road resident that a deer with a large hole in its side was on her property, but officers arriving on scene couldn’t locate it.

Police received more calls about an injured deer, from Old Studio Road residents, at 8:03 p.m. on Nov. 15 and then 10:48 a.m. on Nov. 16. Ultimately officers found the animal, still alive, about two doors down from the initial sighting, and put it out of its pain.

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