Letter: Local Eagle Scout Project To Honor New Canaan Veterans

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Dear Editor,

My name is Jack Goetz. I am a rising Junior at New Canaan High School and a member of BSA Troop 70. As part of my Eagle Project, I am writing to solicit a select number of photographs of and information about New Canaan veterans. For my project, “New Canaan Honors Our Veterans,” I will create a limited number of banners of New Canaan veterans which will hang from lamp posts in town for three weeks around Veteran’s Day 2019. The purpose of this project is to honor the New Canaan men and women who have served our country in a visual way.

I am seeking veterans who live(d) or work in New Canaan to submit their information and photo on a first-come, first-served basis.  If a veteran or veteran’s family is interested in having their picture hung, please send an email to newcanaanvfw@gmail.com and include a scanned photo, name, branch and war in which they served. All names will be vetted by VFW Post 653. Thanks to the generosity of the New Canaan Exchange Club, the VFW Post 653, and Hammer Graphic Design, there is no cost to the veterans or the veterans’ families. While I wish I could accommodate all veterans, please note that only a limited number of banners will be created.

This project would not have been possible without the support and guidance of Mr. Peter Langenus, Mr. Kevin Moynihan, Mr. Tom Stadler, Mr. Mose Saccary, Mrs. Tucker Murphy, Mr. Tiger Mann, and Mr. Jeff Platt. Thank you.

Jack Goetz
BSA Troop 70

3 thoughts on “Letter: Local Eagle Scout Project To Honor New Canaan Veterans

  1. Jack,

    Thank you for doing this! I admire your respect for our veterans and your desire to honor them in this way.

    I’m sure you are aware of the beautiful veterans plaques in Town Hall and the wreaths and flags placed on veterans’ gravestones in New Canaan.

    Good luck with your Eagle project! I look forward to seeing the banners.

  2. jack,

    I have the goose bumps. Thank you for honoring and remembering our Veterans. This is a very special tribute.

    Good luck with your Eagle Scout project.

  3. Dear Jack
    Thank you for choosing to honor those who haves served our beautiful country. I can’t wait to see the final results of your project.
    Sincerely, Karen Hussey (a mom of a United States Marine)

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