Selectmen Approve $100,000 Contract for Windows at Irwin Barn; Some Broken by Vandalism

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The barn at Irwin Park. Credit: Michael Dinan

Town officials last week approved a $100,000 contract to restore broken windows at the 1908-built Irwin Barn, including some that resulted from vandalism.

The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously at its regular meeting for the contract with Ridgefield-based Alden Bailey Restoration, one of two companies that put in a bid for the job.

“They need a lot of health and care to get back up to par,” Buildings Superintendent Bill Oestmann told the selectmen at their Oct. 9 meeting, held in Town Hall. “There’s a couple that will have to be replaced.”

First Selectman Kevin Moynihan and Selectmen Kit Devereaux and Nick Williams voted 3-0 for $101,200 contract, which includes $9,200 in contingency.

Williams asked whether the figure includes any private dollars. Oestmann said that no, it’s included in this year’s approved capital budget. 

Devereaux asked whether some of the windows had been broken by vandals. Oestmann said they were, about 18 months ago.

Williams asked whether cameras could be installed at Irwin to help head off such vandalism.

Oestmann said the networking needed to get a high quality enough feed to capture people’s faces is cost-prohibitive. 

“We certainly can entertain the idea of cameras up there,” he said.

The 4,128-square-foot barn is vacant. Town officials in the past have recommended investments to stabilize and repurpose the barn, such as for Parks & Rec Summer Camp, restroom facilities servicing the park, organized storage for the town and potential cell service equipment. Here’s a history of it.

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