2013-Built Colonial on Woodland Road Sells for $2,285,000

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The following property transfers were recorded last week in the Town Clerk’s office. For more information about each property from the assessor, click on the street address.

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Aug. 29

This 2013-built, 5-bedroom Colonial at 126 Woodland Road includes 4,158 square feet of living space and sits on .36 acres. It sold in August 2017 for $2,285,000. Credit: Michael Dinan

126 Woodland Road

  • $2,285,000
  • John Corley to National Residential Nominee Services Inc.

276 Smith Ridge Road

  • $730,000
  • Saljudar Enterprises General Partnership to Whitney Rice Childs

Aug. 28

45 Willowbrook Road

  • $1,235,000
  • Roman Ozimek to William Creighton

Aug. 25

Woods End Road

  • $975,000
  • Jacob Neil, trustee, to Charlotte Jerbic

95 Woods End Road

  • $950,000
  • LAJ Investment to Eugen Jerbic

284 Marvin Ridge Road

  • $1.2 million
  • JP Morgan Chase Bank to Robert Boucher Sr.

One thought on “2013-Built Colonial on Woodland Road Sells for $2,285,000

  1. Mike — 126 Woodland Rd was sold by National Residential Nominee Services( relocation Co) in the same day to Garry Clancy for the same amount
    The owners bought it in 8/2014 for $2,500,000 — this is an
    odd deal — also 284 Marvin Ridge Rd Aprv 2013 for $1,723,000
    sold for $1,200,00 by JP Morgan Chase (FC -Sale)

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