Here are the most recently conveyed property transfers, according to records in the New Canaan Town Clerk’s office. Click on each address for information from the Assessor’s Office.
- $1,269,000
- Jennifer Hilton, executrix for estate of John Hilton to Christopher & Carol Hevesy
- $965,000
- Dennis Fitzgerald to Molly & Brian Higgins
- $3,950,000
- 23 Llewellyn Drive LLC to Gregory & Jennifer D’Alba
- $1,225,000
- Sewell Corkran to Elizabeth Gillo

85 Rosebrook Road is a 1910 Tudor that sits on 4.36 acres. It has a pool, tennis court, 13 rooms and 8,457 square feet of living space. It sold in late May 2014 for $5.85 million to “Jumping Cat LLC.” There’s a LLC listed under that name in Delaware. (Salvador Dalî passed away 25 years ago.) Credit: Michael Dinan
- $5,850,o00
- Gregory & Jennifer D’Alba to Jumping Cat LLC (there’s a LLC by this name that formed March 4 in Delaware)
- $975,000
- Matthew Breitfielder to Bruno DiCosmo
- $1,500,000
- James Curley to Jennifer & Georg Volanakis
289 New Norwalk Road
- $862,000
- Patricia P. Van de Graaf to Klaus & Anna Marie Schroeder
- $610,000
- Steve C. Parks to Steven Willis
- $2,230,000
- Quang Nguyen to Jennifer & Matthew Breitfelder
- $1,125,000
- Peter Haines to Stephanie Cowser