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The Children’s School

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118 Scofieldtown Road
Stamford, CT 06903
203-329-8815 childrensschool.org

January 2020

Parenting Lecture: How to Have Healthy Conversations With Your Kids about Sexuality

Wednesday, January, 29, 2020 @ 7:00 am - 8:30 pm
The Children’s School, 118 Scofieldtown Road
Stamford, CT 06903
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Deborah Roffman, a Time Magazine's "Top 16 Parenting Educator for the 20th Centure" helps parents feel comfortable with approaching the "birds and the bees" in a fresh and healthy way. Do you feel flustered or tongue-tied when the subject of sexuality comes up with your children? Are you uncertain about what words to use and what message to send? On January 29, educator Deborah Roffman will be sharing her advice for having these important but anxiety-provoking conversations in her talk…

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