May 2016
Lee Garden Azalea Festival Date Change!
The public is invited to stroll the enchanting 3-acre George Lee Memorial Garden on Sunday, May 15 from 1-4 PM. Located at 89 Chichester Road in New Canaan, the extensive collection of show-stealing azaleas and rhododendrons should be at peak bloom. Usually held on Mother's Day, the Azalea Festival, hosted by the New Canaan Beautification League, will take place one week later this year, so please note the date change. Members will be on hand to guide tours and answer…
Find out more »May 2017
‘Open Garden Day’: Lee Garden in Bloom
New Canaan's own 'secret garden' is in bloom on Chichester Road and will have an open garden day on Sunday, May 21 from 1 to 4 o'clock with members of the New Canaan Beautification League on hand to guide and answer questions. The garden was left to the NCBL by George S. Lee in 1978. Since then the NCBL has cared for and tended this most "special example of a woodland garden full of azaleas, rhododendrons and wildfowers", according to the Nature Conservancy after an…
Find out more »May 2018
Tour Lee Memorial Garden
New Canaan Beautification League's Lee Memorial Garden Tour. Sunday, May 20th from 1-4 p.m. Garden is currently in full bloom and open daily!
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