Dear Mike,
Chris and I would like to thank you for posting my lupus story last spring.

New Canaan’s Colleen Hann at the 2014 Walk to End Lupus Now. Contributed
The positive exposure helped us to raise $7,400 for the Lupus Foundation of America to help find a cure. We greatly appreciated your assistance in our endeavors. It provided an exceptional forum for us to obtain extra contributions for such a great charity.
Since you posted the article, people have become more aware of lupus, reached out to me personally and this year we are off to a great start and have been able to raise $1,535 for the Lupus Foundation of America. We hope to maintain this momentum to help the Lupus Foundation America reach their goal of $565,000 for the New York City’s Walk to End Lupus Now on May 14, 2016.
As individual walkers, we are extremely grateful that you included us in your coverage. Please extend our thanks to everyone involved. We must rely on fantastic on-line magazines, like the to reach the public to help find a cure for Lupus.
Thanks for helping us get the word out! Because of you, the Lupus Foundation of America was able to raise over $500,000 last year. The New York City Walk to End Lupus Now was extremely successful with over 5,000 walkers. I have signed up again this year for the Walk to End Lupus Now and I hope you will all join us again!
Best wishes, Colleen and Chris Hann