The weather forecast calls for clear, sunny skies on Thursday for New Canaan’s annual Taste of the Town Stroll.

Taste of the Town Stroll. Published with permission from the New Canaan Chamber of Commerce
A “food-raiser” for the New Canaan Food Pantry that this year will double as a benefit for the Lions Club (see below), the Taste of the Town Stroll is to be held 6 to 9 p.m. on Aug. 24.
Sponsored exclusively by Berkshire Hathaway New England Properties and organized by the Chamber of Commerce, this year’s event downtown will feature 24 participating shops and restaurants “that are going to provide food or a taste of some sort,” Chamber Executive Director Tucker Murphy said.

Taste of the Town Stroll. Published with permission from the New Canaan Chamber of Commerce
“A new feature this year is that we partnered with the Lions Club so not only can people bring a food donation but you can bring gently used eyeglasses or hearing aids that will be refurbished and donated to people that need them,” she said.
For the Stroll, participants may pick up a “map” of participating locations in front of the Playhouse in exchange for dropping off items or the New Canaan Food Pantry or the items for the Lions Club. Those who visit at least 12 locations and get stamps at them can use the map to enter to win some of more than $7,000 in donations (the first-place prize this year is from Le Boudoir blow dry and beauty bar on Main Street.

Taste of the Town Stroll. Published with permission from the New Canaan Chamber of Commerce
The event is expected to see hundreds of residents strolling downtown, getting free food at businesses as well as in the Pop Up Park—there will be three entertainment groups featured there for the Stroll.
“People loving coming to downtown, to see people that they haven’t seen in a few weeks, helping others in need and just being there out on a beautiful night enjoying our downtown,” Murphy said. “People look forward to this.”

Alex Stewart of Walter Stewart’s market on Elm Street shows us a sample of a pre-packaged bag for the New Canaan Food Pantry. Credit: Michael Dinan
Once again, Walter Stewart’s Market is selling pre-packaged $20 bags full of items that the Food Pantry needs.
Alex Stewart of Walter Stewart called the Stroll “a fun event” that “has quickly become a summer tradition that draws people to visit our amazing restaurants and retail shops and support the food pantry.”
“We’re pleased to participate again as a sponsor by offering discounted ‘bags’ that include specific items the food pantry is in need of now,” he said. “Our customers simply turn in their receipt at the check in table in front of the movie theater and pick up their map for the evening’s festivities. After the stroll we coordinate with the food pantry to deliver everything in bulk. It’s worked out really well over the years and we’re excited to be involved again.”
Laura Budd of the Chamber called the Stroll a “triple whammy.”
“The food pantry wins, the stores get to meet a lot of new prospective customers and the strollers have a great night out,” she said.