Did You Hear … ?

Here’s a ‘Happy Birthday’ to a gem and gentleman of a local man. David Borglum, a 1949 New Canaan High School graduate and the longest-serving member of the wonderful Kiwanis Club of New Canaan, recently celebrated his “67th” birthday (he tells us). Happy birthday, David, here’s to 67 more. ***

Officials are looking to slow down motorists traveling on Weed Street between Wahackme and Dunning, where the 85th percentile of drivers recently were clocked by speed sentries at 36 mph in northbound and southbound lanes, according to the New Canaan Traffic Calming Work Group. ***

The Park & Recreation Commission is looking into acquiring a heater for the Waveny Pool following a successful season where one of the isolated asks from pass-holders was warmer temperatures for little kids.

New Foosball, Ping Pong Tables Popular at ‘Hot Spot’ Waveny Pool

Many New Canaanites spend their summer relaxing by the pool—especially one in particular: Waveny pool. An increasingly popular Dog Days destination, especially during the sustained hot days that New Canaan is seeing this week, the Waveny pool through the summer hosts a whole range of activities: The Waveny Gators teams welcome children ages 7  to 17 to participate in swimming and diving teams, and children 10 to 13 to be a part of the water polo team. During their season, the teams practice each morning, and participate in meets against the Roxbury Club, Rocky Point Club, Roton Point Club, Middlesex Club, Shore & Country Club—the Gators finished up recently with a meet against Newfield Swim Club (summer home of NCHS math teacher David Fine). Kids’ athletics are held in the morning and the pool tends to get busier for visitors in the afternoons, according to Recreation Director Steve Benko. “The best time [to go to the pool] is probably in the afternoon, around 2 o’clock.

New Flowers Beautify Area Outside Waveny Pool

With summer just around the corner, the New Canaan Recreation Department has been making the Waveny Pool ready for the upcoming season. Recently, the Recreation Department added new landscaping outside the pool to the make the popular summer spot’s entrance more attractive. Recreation Director Steve Benko told New Canaanite that the town has been working through the past couple of years to make the area outside of the pool look nice, and thinks that they finally accomplished that this year. “Some of the plants [from last year], just from winter kill, didn’t really make it,” Benko said. “There’s an island [and] because of the subsoil in the island we had some birch trees that didn’t make it, and then we tried a couple crabapple [trees] and they didn’t make it so we took them out and put some annual flowers in because the subsoil is so wet it holds water.”

After working diligently to find a match for the area outside of the pool, officials decided that it would be best to swap out the trees for annual flowers.

Did You Hear … ?

We heard that the New Canaan Y has put off indefinitely its proposal to “bubble” the Waveny Pool for winter use while it undergoes an expansion that includes a new aquatic center. Officials at the Park & Recreation Commission say the Y is focusing on fundraising now while it works on a plan for its swimmers. ***

New Canaan High School 2014 grad Kit Mallozzi has been named to the Dean’s List at Syracuse University. Kit, winner of a Student Leadership Award as a NCHS senior, finished her first semester with the Orange with a perfect 4.0, proud father Rob Mallozzi said. “She just loves it there,” he said.

Fees Set, Upgrades Planned for 2015 Season at Waveny Pool

Praising members of a volunteer group that sets policy at Waveny Pool, the Board of Selectmen on Tuesday approved a new slate of fees for the 2015 season at the popular summertime destination. The finances of the self-sustaining Waveny Pool have seen a “dramatic change” for the better, in part because of a Park & Recreation subcommittee that has “put some business acumen behind the way that business was being run,” First Selectman Rob Mallozzi said during the board’s Feb. 10 meeting. “[Recreation Director] Steve [Benko] was incredibly adaptive to that and the pool is on really solid footing again,” Mallozzi said at the meeting, held in the Training Room at the New Canaan Police Department. The approved fees are as follows, with a reduction in regular family passes and an increase in passes that allow for daily use and guests—changes designed to lure families to purchase season passes rather than mixing and matching daily and guest passes to save money (article continues below):


Out-of-town families that purchase higher-priced season passes to Waveny Pool—mostly residents of Darien, reigning runners-up for the state football title—already are making inquiries of the Rec Department for the upcoming season.