Facility, Furniture and Landscaping Improvements Coming to Waveny Pool This Summer

Waveny Pool in the 2017 season will see facility upgrades, new furniture, improved landscaping and schedule adjustments designed to meet the wishes of permit-holders who go there through the summer months, officials said. Town officials are addressing concerns about muggy locker rooms and privacy in bathrooms, and the fees generated by the sale of permits also are funding the purchase of new umbrellas and chairs, according to Sally Campbell, chair of the Parks & Recreation Commission. A committee that helps oversee Waveny Pool has met five times since last season and “we have made extensive list and I think we have made huge progress and it’s just going to be great,” Campbell said during the group’s regular meeting, held March 8 at Lapham Community Center. “The big complaints were that the bathroom doors didn’t close, it was too muggy in the locker room and they felt it should be cleaned more. And Steve [Benko] was able to address all of those, and so I think this year people are going to be able to have a much better experience.

Parks Officials Propose 2017 Waveny Pool Rates

Parks officials on Wednesday voted unanimously to recommend a new slate of fees for the popular Waveny Pool for the 2017 season. The proposed rates include modest increases for all types of passes at the self-sustaining facility, except for senior residents, who would pay $20 less. The pool was “very solid financially last summer,” Parks & Recreation Commission Chair Sally Campbell said during the group’s regular meeting at Lapham Community Center. “Our family passes went way up last year, which is why we decided not to raise the fees [by as much], because we thought it was just right,” Campbell said. Here’s a year-over-year breakdown of the new proposed rates.

New Pool Heater at Waveny Helps Drive Record Pass Sales This Summer

With hot temperatures and humidity arriving this week, a dip in the pool is on the minds of many. Early indications are that Waveny Pool will see record-breaking numbers in attendance this summer, officials say. According to Recreation Director Steve Benko, through the first week of July, Waveny Pool has already brought in its highest attendance to date and sold an abundance of passes. Jason Milligan, a member of the Park & Recreation Commission and Waveny Pool user, said a number of improvements and new amenities at the pool “have been well received.”

“I have personally seen a bunch of the kids using the new games that we have this year,” Milligan said. “Starting this Friday we will be having two camp counselors come over to the pool and do some games and competitions for the kids.”


The NewCanaanite.com Summer Internship Program is sponsored by Baskin-Robbins.

‘Incredibly Responsive To Our Needs’: Town Spends $10,000 for Emergency Fix at Waveny Pool

New Canaan this week entered into a $9,704 contract with a Danbury-based company for emergency repairs to the Waveny Pool sewage ejection system. Though the approval was just moved through the Board of Selectmen at a meeting on Tuesday, First Selectman Rob Mallozzi already had approved the project in order to get the system running in time for the popular pool’s opening on Memorial Day Weekend. Mallozzi said he oversaw parts of the last-minute job himself. “I spent two days out there last week to get a look at what they were doing,” he said at the meeting, held in Town Hall. “[Foley’s Pump Service],our billing department and our health department all worked together to have a very successful pool opening”.

Did You Hear … ?

One of the men brought up on misdemeanor charges by New York City police for climbing the Brooklyn Bridge in order to get a nice photo of Manhattan at sunrise Saturday was a 24-year-old New Canaanite, the New York Post reports. ***

Some of the New Canaan High School students who attended the boys varsity lacrosse game Saturday versus rival Darien misbehaved to the point where the principal of NCHS sent a letter that went to the wider school community to address the problem. The letter references “a number of incidents at the game” including alcohol consumption and profanity. It continues: “Consuming or possessing alcohol, threatening or harassing others, acting disrespectfully, and/or any behaviors that would not be tolerated in school will not be permitted at these contests. If it is witnessed, students will be removed from the game and may face significant disciplinary action in school, up to and including suspension.