Coming Sunday Oct. 25: New Canaan Chamber of Commerce 34th Annual Halloween Parade

The New Canaan Chamber of Commerce will put on its 34th annual Halloween Parade on Sunday, Oct. 25. The event kicks off at noon with families’ gathering in the Park Street parking lot to receive goodie bags (while supplies last!) with a 1 p.m. Parade kick off lead by Old Faithful, rain or shine. The “Party” at the Park Street lot will include fun for all. The School of Rock will serenade parade-goers with Halloween tunes such as the “Monster Mash,” “Werewolves of London” and “Ghostbusters” while Toddlertime Nursery School will host the Great Scirico, who will be creating balloon animals.

New Canaan Eyes Road Safety on God’s Acre [VIDEO]


via YouTube

[Note: This video was shot during the 9 a.m. drop-off on March 12.]

Prompted by safety concerns from a popular preschool, town officials are contemplating how to slow down motorists zipping along Oenoke Ridge at the turn near God’s Acre. Toddlertime Nursery School operates out of space behind the Congregational Church of New Canaan. At drop-off and pickup times, parents either pull off of Oenoke and park street-side at the top of the hill—in front of the church—or pull into a lot behind the church that lets out onto Oenoke opposite the Historical Society (the lot operates with one-way traffic flow). At the most recent meeting of a group of public works, police and fire officials that fields residents’ requests for traffic calming, Toddlertime co-owner Barbara Davis said the preschool faces two challenges. First, there’s no safe way to walk across Oenoke—for example, if a group of preschoolers are headed for a field trip to the New Canaan Nature Center, or if there’s a parent walking a child across Oenoke from a program at St.