Town to Leave Newly Re-Paved Thayer Pond Road Free of Double Yellow Line

Saying the number two complaint from homeowners with respect to road projects—after “When will you get to this road?”—is that people don’t want road striping painted back on a newly paved street, town officials are opting to forego putting a double yellow line back on Thayer Pond Road. On a recommendation the assistant director of public works and town body that oversees traffic calming—and despite one resident’s objection—the Police Commission decided to let the newly re-paved road that borders Wilton stand as it is. The 10-year accident history of Thayer Pond Road shows that has no accidents and that striping “on a small road like that is not necessary and not required, by any means,” Police Capt. John DiFfederico said at the commission’s Dec. 17 meeting. “It is a double-yellow in Wilton over the town line, so where it begins in New Canaan there is no yellow line,” DiFederico said at the meeting, held in the Training Room at the New Canaan Police Department.