‘Indefensible Partisan Nonsense’: Police Commissioner Resigns

One month after voicing his displeasure in losing the chairmanship of the Police Commission, Sperry DeCew last week resigned from the appointed body in a pointed letter to the first selectman. DeCew in his Feb. 20 letter to First Selectman Kevin Moynihan said he had “reflected on your puerile, narrow-minded position to have Republicans chair every town committee” and felt he had “no option but to render my resignation immediately.” 

A member of the Police Commission since June 2012 and its chairman for two years, DeCew had attended and participated in a final meeting Wednesday. 

“The thought that New Canaan, with its wealth of talent, should be defined by a political party is indefensible partisan nonsense,” DeCew said in his letter, obtained by NewCanaanite.com. “Further, the fact that you did not have the courtesy to call me prior to the January Commission meeting and let me know that you were going to replace me as Chairman, again speaks to the unnecessary negative feelings this matter has generated.”

DeCew is a Democrat and his successor in the chair role, Paul Foley, is a Republican. This month, another appointed town body, the Health and Human Services Commission, saw its Democratic chair and one other member resign amid a change in chairmanship to a Republican.

Police Chief Urges State To Create Left-Turn-Only Sequence in Traffic Light at Cherry and Main Streets

Municipal officials say they’ve asked the state to look into putting a “left-turn only” sequence for the traffic light at Main and Cherry Streets downtown. It’s common when eastbound motorists on Cherry seek to turn left onto Main “that maybe one car will get through that intersection before the light turns red,” according to Police Chief Leon Krolikowski. “And I’ve experienced that many, many times,” Krolikowski said at the Jan. 15 Police Commission meeting, held at department headquarters. “So nine months ago, I contacted the state and asked them to take a look at that intersection and see if they can put in a ‘left-turn only’ light there.

Police Commission Chairmanship Turns Over at Heated Meeting

The appointed municipal body that oversees the New Canaan Police Department elected a new chair Wednesday night during an awkward organizational meeting. Paul Foley, a member of the Police Commission since December 2013, was elected chairman by a 2-1 vote following a heated exchange between his predecessor in the role and the town’s highest elected official. 

Sperry DeCew, a member of the Police Commission since June 2012, had served the past two years as chair. 

As per section 15-3 of the Town Charter, the three-member Commission meets “promptly after” Dec. 1—typically in January—for the election of its own officers “at the call of the First Selectman.” 

As First Selectman Kevin Moynihan opened the organizational meeting, held during the Commission’s regular meeting at police headquarters, DeCew said, “Let’s get on with this circus. Nominations for Commission chairman.”

Commissioner Jim McLaughlin—himself appointed one year ago to the Police Commission—nominated Foley. DeCew called for any other nominations.