Town Approves $72,000 To Repave Park Street Lot Driveways, Fix Drainage Problem

Saying the town has received multiple complaints about the driveways that flank the Park Street parking lot, officials last week approved up to about $72,000 to repave them and fix a drainage problem that’s affecting an abutting commercial property. The Board of Selectmen voted 3-0 at its regular meeting to approve a contract with a Norwalk company whose work will include redirecting drainage from the southern driveway that now affects a staircase behind the building at 125 Elm St. “We are headed into another winter season and we would like to get this work done and make the area passable,” Public Works Director Tiger Mann told the selectmen at their Nov. 6 meeting, held in Town Hall. 

“There is a pedestrian walkway, side staircase that is not owned by the town, that is maintained by a private property owner. He has had to go in and redo that staircase because of the drainage flowing off of our driveway onto his property.