Apple Cart Food Co. Marks 20th Anniversary

Apple Cart Food Company, happily serving New Canaan families at Mead Park Lodge, Waveny Pool and Dunning Stadium, celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. The business started out with some small local catering gigs alongside operations at The Lake Club and The Field Club, according to co-owners Emad Aziz and Marianne Perry. When the opportunity arose to bid operating out of the Mead Park building 12 years ago, they seized it, and have been making their house specialty, the falafel wrap, with a signature “mom-and-pop” style ever since. “I believe there’s big value in business done old-fashioned way,” Aziz said. “We’re not getting caught up in all of the Uber Eats trend.”

The pair did not even realize their company had reached the 20-year milestone until they went to local business Nurenu to develop a new logo.