Q&A with Cynthia MacCollum: Local Artist’s Collagraph Print Exhibition Opens Saturday Night at New Canaan Library

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Local artist Cynthia MacCollum’s exhibition of collagraph prints, “Continuum,” launches at 5 p.m. today (Saturday, Aug. 23) during a reception at New Canaan Library’s H. Pelham Curtis Gallery that’s free and open to the public. Here’s a nice sneak peek Flickr gallery of the exhibition from on the library’s website (for the slideshow above, to pause on a particular piece and get more information about it, just move your mouse over it). MacCollum, an outdoors lover and self-described “science geek,” came to the collagraphy medium with intentions to use it to serve her painting, and realized as she started working in prints that the form allowed her to create art that she couldn’t through painting. As a casual art appreciator who often finds himself admiring contemporary art without knowing just why, I like it when an exhibition tells a story—and this one certainly does.