Op-Ed: Fellow NCHS Seniors, Acknowledging Our ‘Obstacles’

To the Class of 2018:

We’ve reached the calm before the storm. It’s as if I can physically feel the internal clock that counts down the days until I leave my 15 years in New Canaan behind ticking its last few counts. Comprehending the fact that the class of 2018 is now just going to be a name painted on a mural in the hallway by the Wagner Room is overwhelming. As anyone who has run their course through the New Canaan Public Schools system can attest, it feels like we’ve been curated since kindergarten to establish the unique identity of our grade both within our community and without. We are constantly asked what legacy our class will leave, what foot we want to put forward for future groups of students to follow.

How Will Graduating NCHS Seniors Spend This Summer?

Everyone who lives in New Canaan knows that in the summertime it becomes essentially a ghost town, with high-pitched middle school student screeches notably absent from Mackenzies and elsewhere. It begs the question: Where does our town’s youth venture off to in the summer? We asked some members of the New Canaan High School graduating class of 2018 to find out how students would be spending their few months off before college. What we learned was that most teens’ summers revolved around one of three categories—career, travel, or volunteer work. For senior Grace Brady, who will be attending Vanderbilt University in the fall, the spare time offered the opportunity to travel and help rural communities.