Church Street Residents Call for Removal of New Double-Yellow Line

Saying they feel blindsided by a change to their neighborhood that appears to be exacerbating safety problems by speeding up motorists, Church Street residents are calling for town officials to remove a new double-yellow centerline. Painted on the newly re-paved road, the centerline doesn’t jibe with the charming look or feel of Church Street, and appeared one morning with no input from any of those who live in the 16 houses there, according to a formal petition lodged Tuesday with the town. One of those who signed the letter, Carlene Towers, said there are no speed limit signs on Church Street and that the new centerline creates a raceway-like appearance that invites motorists to go even faster. “Everyone was really upset about it and we have a major speeding problem on our street, because it is considered a cut-through,” Towers told 

As residents of Silvermine Road argued to traffic officials two years ago, Towers also voiced concern that a double-yellow line on Church Street will negatively affect property values. 

The problem of speeding cars is made significantly worse at certain times of day on Church Street because of a longtime problem of double-parking parents collecting kids from a dance school on the corner of Main Street, residents say. Representatives from all but two homes on Church Street signed a petition sent to town officials including the first selectmen, head of public works and police, and that’s only because no one has been able to connect with them, Towers said.