Sunset Hill Road Colonial Sells for $1,735,000

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The following property transfers were recorded recently in the Town Clerk’s office.

For more information about each property from the assessor, click on the street address.

To get the history of a New Canaan street name, click here.


March 27

46 & 48 Bank St.

  • $1,150,000
  • Denise Gannalo to SIl-Wel 10, LLC

March 22

80 Sunset Hill Road

  • $1,735,000
  • Carol Taylor to Derek & Mary Staples

330 Elm St. #8

  • $1,107,500
  • Donna Kelly Love to Dennis & Carol Taylor

77 Woodridge Drive

  • $1.3 million 
  • 77 Woodridge LLC to Monica Granito

March 21

23 Lllewellyn Drive

  • $2,735,000
  • Gregory & Jennifer D’Alba to David & Caryn Wells

38 Lantern Ridge Road

  • $250,000 (sale of one party’s interest in property) 
  • Bradley Southwell to Michael Southwell

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