South Avenue Bagel Shop Passes Re-Inspection by Local Health Officials

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A South Avenue bagel shop this month passed a re-inspection by local health officials after failing an initial one the prior day, records show.

Upper Crust Bakery & Café or UCBC on Oct. 17 was cited by a New Canaan Health Department sanitarian for a “risk factor” violation during an unannounced inspection. 

Specifically, according to the sanitarian’s report, yogurt parfaits were at a prohibitively high temperature of 64 degrees Fahrenheit, while fruit cups were at 64 degrees and tuna salad covered in plastic wrap in a walk-in refrigerator was at 61.5 degrees. The first two items were discarded, the report said.

Reached by, UCBC owner Charly Sahlia said in an email, “Besides great food with great service, public health and safety is our utmost priority, and the New Canaan health department just does the same.  One of our (new fridges) wasn’t keeping temp below 40F. Got that looked at and fixed. We appreciate routine checks and recommendations from the inspectors and we look forward to continuously working toward the same goal.”

Other minor items cited during the initial inspection included a bathroom door that did not fully close, unclean doors in a reach-in refrigerator and a back flow prevention device that leaked water at a mop sink.

Inspectors use a state Department of Public Health standard, citing food service establishments for violations that range in seriousness and carry a corresponding weight from one to four points. A “failed” inspection is triggered either by one or more four-point or “risk factor” violations—as in this case—or a total score of less than 80 points.

UCBC scored 88 points on its Oct. 18 re-inspection, a passing grade. The bagel shop was issued four 2-point demerits for having a milk crate with cream cheese containers stored on the floor, latex gloves in the food prep area (not to be used for food), plastic utensils stored with the food contact side exposed and an unclean interior of a reach-in refrigerator. 

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