New Canaan Police are investigating the destruction of the two pay-to-park machines at Talmadge Hill Road Train Station, officials say.

The vandalized parking pay machines at Talmadge Hill Railroad Station. Credit: Michael Dinan
Serving the upper tier at the mostly permitted commuter parking lot, the twin machines were found destroyed on Sept. 7, New Canaan Police Lt. Jason Ferraro confirmed.
The New Canaan Police Department Investigative Section is working on the case, in consultation with the MTA Investigative Section, Ferraro said.
One of the machines appears to have been completely gutted. The machines are wrapped in police tape. A sign on one of them urges motorists to use a pay-by-phone app.
The train station stands to gain spaces as First Selectman Kevin Moynihan negotiates a nominal lease with the state for an area along Route 106 that will be converted into parking.
As of this week, 72 people were on the waiting list for permits at Talmadge Hill Train Station, with a wait of about six months.