Police: Coyote Charges Leashed Dog at Waveny

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Police are urging residents to keep their dogs leashed when walking at Waveny following a report that coyote charged one there.

At about 7:40 p.m. on April 22, a resident told police that a coyote emerged from the woods and ran toward his leashed dog while they walked in the park. That could be a sign that it was an unhealthy animal, according to Officer Allyson Halm, head of the New Canaan Police Department’s Animal Control section.

“If there’s a den in the area then certainly the adults will be more protective,” Halm said. “It’s also possible that the animal wasn’t a healthy animal. Charging is unusual and this animal appears to be more bold.”

It’s another good reason for residents to keep their dogs leashed, she said.

Coyotes, which are monogamous, breed between January and March and pups are being born now.

According to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, the best way to protect pets from coyotes is to keep them from running free.

It isn’t clear just where in Waveny the coyote incident occurred, nor what type of dog was involved, Halm said.

2 thoughts on “Police: Coyote Charges Leashed Dog at Waveny

  1. The dog was a 50lb pointer, just past the pond on the path that goes straight down to the Merrit. The coyote was bigger than the pointer and went back into the woods about 100ft away after running straight back on the path at us. No joke scary stuff.

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