Police Cite New Canaan Boy, 17, for Pot Possession after Stopping Him for Speeding

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Police cited a 17–year-old New Canaan man on minor drug charges last Wednesday after stopping him for driving 48 mph on Ponus Ridge in a 25 mph zone.

At about 9:30 a.m. on March 25, police clocked the motorist speeding while traveling north on Ponus near Winfield Lane, according to a police report.

Police withheld his name because of his age.

Approaching the stopped car, an officer noticed the teen appeared nervous and smelled marijuana. The officer asked whether the youth had pot in the car and the teen said that yes, there was a small amount in the glove compartment, according to a police report.

There, police found a metal grinder, multi-colored pipe and a small amount of pot in a plastic bag, the report said.

The teen was cited for possession of less than .5 ounces of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and speeding.

His case was referred to the Juvenile Matters Division of state Superior Court in Stamford, where he promised to appear March 31.

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