PHOTOS: ‘Caffeine & Carburetors’ Kicks Off 2018 Season in Downtown New Canaan

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Hundreds of classic and specialty car enthusiasts visited downtown New Canaan on a clear, crisp morning Sunday for the first Caffeine & Carburetors show of the 2018 season.

People gripping coffee cups, baby strollers and dog leashes strolled along Pine Street and the one-way stretch of Elm, both cordoned off for pedestrians. Police, volunteers and members of the Community Emergency Response Team or ‘CERT’ guided visitors and motorists safely across Park Street and led out a limited number of show cars whose owners left early.

“It’s going very well,” said Doug Zumbach, who founded Caffeine & Carburetors outside his eponymous coffee shop on Pine Street eight years ago.

“Once again the enthusiasts have come out, the residents have come out. We are grateful. and we are grateful of the weather and the calmness of the show. People are very respectful of the community and we’re looking forward to three more shows.”

The next C&C will be held June 17 at Waveny.

New Canaan’s Peter Bush interviewed auto owners and representatives from local nonprofit and community organizations over a public address system. Those organizations, lined up on Pine Street with informational material for passersby, included the New Canaan Land Trust, St. Aloysius School and ABC House of New Canaan.

Bankwell Assistant Branch Manager Flo Carbone said the community bank was “very proud to be here as one of the major sponsors of such a great event.”

“We support our community and we love New Canaan,” she said.

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