Owner of Vacant Canoe Hill Road Lot Seeks P&Z Permission To Build New Home, Accessory Structures

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The owner of a vacant 3.16-acre rear lot on Canoe Hill Road is seeking permission to build a new home, pool house, greenhouse and detached garage. 

Plans for 221 Canoe Hill Road call for locating the garage 40 feet from the lot’s access way, according to an application filed on behalf of the property’s owner by attorney David Rucci of New Canaan-based Lampert, Toohey & Rucci LLC. 

The proposed buildings “are smaller in footprint” than what had stood on the oversized lot before “and creates more open space in the neighborhood,” Rucci said in the application. 

“The proposed development is in keeping with the residential character of the neighborhood,” Rucci said. “The garage is sited to provide easy access to the drive. This particular proposal is consistent with the Plan of Conservation and Development as it supports open space [and] uses existing systems with minimal disturbance.”

The Planning & Zoning Commission is scheduled to take up the application at its regular meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday. 

P&Z approval is needed for the Special Permit and site plan, as well as for the planned excavation and soil disturbance (page 137 here) and for locating an accessory building in a front yard and within 150 feet of the street (page 54). 

Town Planner Lynn Brooks Avni noted in a memo to the Commission that although the proposed garage is more than 150 feet from Canoe Hill Road, it is just 40 feet from the access way (the property shares the access way with 219 and 223 Canoe Hill Road).

P&Z may consider conditioning an approval for the application, including that soil and erosion controls be bolstered and that prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant submit a licensed engineer’s as-built plan. 

The lot had been purchased in June 2018 for $1,525,000, tax records show.

Here’s where it is:

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