Op-Ed: NC Athletic Foundation Calls On Parents in Raising Final $250,000 for Facilities Upgrades

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It’s time to score.

We are fourth and goal.

We are in the bottom of the ninth and the score is all tied up.

We are tied after double overtime and we are going to penalty kicks.

Whatever your sports reference, the New Canaan Athletic Foundation is about to score for the town of New Canaan and for all athletes young and young at heart.

The NCAF is an organization created by a group of citizens who are working together to improve NCHS and town athletic facilities. We are excited to announce that we have nearly reached our goal of $5 million to build and upgrade the athletic facilities in New Canaan.

After three years of fundraising, phase two of our project: the NCHS Track renovation, the Water Tower turf renovation and the construction of the new turf fields located on the current Water Tower Grass fields, are very likely to happen. The project has been supported by private donations for the last three years and includes phase one, which was the re-turf of Dunning Stadium, was completed in the summer of 2016 and cost more than $550,000.

This spring, the NCAF has led a major fundraising effort to drive private donations as well as secured major support and funding from the Town Council of New Canaan. After a multi-sport fundraising event on May 13th at the home of David and Sara Koch, the New Canaan Athletic Foundation has now secured more than $4.75 million. However, in order to ensure that the project will be completed, the organization needs your help to raise another $250,000, which it hopes to secure in the next two weeks.

The main push to raise the final funds is a smart one. If both of the phase two projects are completed simultaneously, it is estimated that the project will save more than $250,000 in cost efficiencies.

Please …Help the NCAF score, by donating to this effort today. To make a donation today, please log on to the website. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Yours Truly,

Mike Benevento

Chairman of the New Canaan Athletic Foundation

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