Oenoke Ridge Restaurant Aces Re-Inspection by Health Officials, Representative Says

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A representative from a restaurant on Oenoke Ridge said the business last week earned a near-perfect score during a re-inspection by local health officials who had recently flagged an issue with the temperatures of two food items.

During an unannounced Aug. 12 inspection at Roger Sherman Inn, a sanitarian in the New Canaan Health Department found a cheese spread at 69 degrees Fahrenheit, and mozzarella in a salad prep station at 57 degrees, according to the sanitarian’s report.

According to a representative from the restaurant, the sanitarian re-inspected the Roger Sherman within two days and the popular eatery earned a score of 98 out of 100. 

Inspectors use a state Department of Public Health standard, citing food service establishments for violations that range in seriousness and carry a corresponding weight from one to four points. A “failed” inspection is triggered either by one or more four-point or “risk factor” violations—as in this case—or a total score of less than 80 points.

The Inn scored a total of 85 points on the first inspection.

According to the restaurant, the town sanitarian happened to come the first time just after a refrigerator broke and the repairman was on his way.

The food temperatures were the only “risk factor” violations cited during the initial inspection. Other items noted in the inspector’s report were potatoes and onions stored uncovered (in crates in the basement), an unclean can opener blade, unclean interiors of ice machines and rusted metal shelving inside a reach-in refrigerator.

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