Oenoke Lane Homeowner Fined After Dog Roams Off-Property Twice in Same Day

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An Oenoke Lane homeowner has been issued more than $100 in fines and fees after a dog in his care ran off-property twice in the same day.

The older black Labrador retriever first was spotted roaming on Scofield Lane at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesay, July 13—a “hot, hot day,” according to Officer Allyson Halm of the New Canaan Police Department’s Animal Control section.

The dog had Darien tags on, and Halm said she discovered that the animal was staying in New Canaan with a friend of the owner, on Oenoke Lane. She returned the dog to those people at the Animal Control shelter on Lakeview Avenue, urging them to keep an eye on the animal.

But at 6:35 p.m., police again were notified about the roaming dog.

It isn’t clear how the animal is getting off-property, which has a physical fence, Halm said, though dogs in a new environmental are generally more nervous and apt to run off.

While collecting the Lab for a second time, those responsible for the dog were issued a $92 fine for allowing a dog to roam, as well as a second $15 “redemption fee” at the shelter.

3 thoughts on “Oenoke Lane Homeowner Fined After Dog Roams Off-Property Twice in Same Day

  1. I miss the days of my childhood when dogs roamed freely and you could make friends with them. Now they are all prisoners behind electric fences. I am not an animal rights extremist, just comparing what was to what is and, in this case, appreciating the former.

    • An electric fence is for the dog’s own safety…..dogs that “roam freely”are a danger to themselves and to others……I almost got into a car accident because of a roaming dog .

    • Prisoners??? What if that dog is aggressive?? would you still want to make friends? What if it was a Pitbull or German Shepherd? (I have nothing against them I own both, 4 dogs total and ALL stay on property or on leash and are never allowed to roam) you wouldn’t be saying that. It has always and will always be about the pet and public safety!

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