New Canaan’s Diane Murphy-Kivell Named ‘Secondary Athletic Trainer of the Year’

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Diane Murphy-Kivell, athletic trainer at New Canaan High School since 1982, has been awarded the “Secondary Athletic Trainer of the Year Award” from the state association for athletic trainers in recognition of her work.

At Monday night’s Board of Education meeting, Jay Egan, athletic director for New Canaan Public Schools, announced Murphy-Kivell’s award from the Connecticut Athletic Trainers Association.

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New Canaan Athletic Director Jay Egan and Diane Murphy-Kivell, athletic trainer at New Canaan High School

Egan called his announcement about the award, which was conferred last spring, “probably the best news that I have to share tonight.”

“I think it is good news for all of the athletes at New Canaan High School,” Egan said. “We could not have a better person entrusted with their health and safety.”

Murphy-Kivell has been athletic trainer for the high school since 1982, when she became the first full-time athletic trainer in the state.

“Of all the people that are behind the scenes in any athletic program, I think athletic trainers are probably the ones who receive the least credit and probably deserve the most credit.”

Dr. Harrison Pierce, an athletic team physician, has told Egan “on numerous occasions that he thinks Diane is the best person at diagnosing athletic injuries that he knows of, including his colleagues who are doctors. He’s said that rarely is her diagnosis on the field not correct.”

Murphy-Kivell “makes my job a lot easier because I know that she is going to take care of the health and safety of our athletes, which is really our primary concern.”

One of her strong points is keeping very accurate, timely records about student injuries. She also does not bend on making sure students get a physician’s approval before any athletes return to practice after accidents, even when parents urge that their child go back to playing earlier. (New Canaan student athletes then need to practice for a period of time before playing in games, he said.)

Sports safety

New Canaan Public Schools  over the summer applied for the Safe School Award from the National Athletic Trainers Association, which granted it. The award is granted to schools that meet certain criteria, such as having an action plan and informing parents about safety concerns and rules early each school year, before any accidents.

In general, nowadays, Egan said, “athletics has never been safer.” He continued, “Everyone around athletics has been educated, and it has never been safer than it is right now.”

One thought on “New Canaan’s Diane Murphy-Kivell Named ‘Secondary Athletic Trainer of the Year’

  1. WOW… Diane is awsome..

    Much deserved recognition for over 30 years of service to
    New Canaan Athletics.

    Bob VanDerheyden
    The Voice of The Rams

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