5 thoughts on “New Canaan, Greenwich Officials Push To Move State Title Football Game Saturday Closer to Home

  1. This is a classic game, two class coaches and two top teams. The first ‘Marinelli Bowl’ is a capstone athletic event. Best of luck to both teams for a clean event and clear victory for the best game of the season.

  2. To not play the New Canaan- Greenwich game in Stamford would be a total disservice to both communities. This is clearly a no-brainer, screw precedent !!!! Do the right thing CIAC 👍🏈 Ben Harvey, NC Class of ‘69

  3. How about the CIAC NOT offering our Veterans a special ticket rate for the Championship Games.
    The CIAC. DID NOT offer our Veterans a Vets rate for the playoff games.
    Shame on Them.

  4. So much for common sense and trying to make it more attractive to students and fans. Not good for teams, families or CT football. Ridiculous decision, CIAC.

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