As New Canaan’s Family Fourth Committee finalizes plans for one of the town’s most cherished annual events—the fireworks at Waveny—our fire marshal is issuing a set of important safety tips for residents planning to do their own “shows” at home, posted below.
(The only note we will add to Fire Marshal Fred Baker’s list is a reminder for residents with dogs that many canines are startled by the noise of fireworks, and those left outside around July 4 weekend often run off, breaching invisible and physical fences.)

New Canaan Fire Marshal Fred Baker. Credit: Michael Dinan
Baker adds a note saying “Go to the Family Fourth—you will see a tremendous professional show,” and we couldn’t agree more. The town’s event this year will be held right on Friday, July 4—the park opens at 5 p.m. with and the fireworks start at 9 p.m.—and passes are available now for residents, with a limited number set aside for nonresidents. The park will open to the public at 5 p.m. and the fireworks will start around 9 p.m. This year’s event will include our New Canaan Town Band, food, drinks, ice cream and entertainment for kids. (As of Thursday, about $15,000 in passes had been sold, the committee reported, and as always New Canaan is on pace to sell in the $55,000 range.)
“With warm weather and family events, the Fourth of July can be a fun time with great memories,” Baker said. “But before your family celebrates this year, the New Canaan Fire Marshal’s Office wants to make sure everyone knows about fireworks safety.”
- Only sparklers and “shower” type fireworks are legal to sell and use in Connecticut. No aerial or exploding type fireworks are permitted to be sold or used in the state. (Go to the Family Fourth – you will see a tremendous professional show!)
- Only persons 16 years and older may use the above fire works.
- Always keep at least 30’ away from spectators and structures and strictly follow manufacturer’s instructions.
- Make sure you are in a clear, open area with no dried vegetation or other combustibles that can easily ignite.
- Never lean over a display when igniting.
- Always have a garden hose or bucket of water available.
- If a display fails to discharge (a dud), NEVER look into it or pick it up – let it sit and then dunk it in a pail of water.
- Be mindful of neighbors and their safety.
- Remember, most pets are terrified of fireworks so take necessary precautions to keep them safe.
- Be extremely careful of sparklers – the metal sticks become red hot and can cause severe burns – have a bucket of water available to dunk them in when they have expired.
- Never ignite fireworks while holding them – always have a level, stable surface to set them on.
- Don’t throw used fireworks directly in the trash – keep them in a separate noncombustible container for at least 24 hrs. or soak them in a bucket of water to make sure there are no hot embers.