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Childhood Speaker at Methodist Church
Friday, March, 2, 2018 @ 10:30 am
Dr. Lisa Miller in her book, The Spiritual Child, states, “I know childhood spirituality to be a powerful
truth that is incontrovertible yet strangely absent from our mainstream culture. That children are so
spiritual is not merely anecdote or opinion, be it mine or anyone’s else’s. It is established fact.” Dr.
Miller, a Weston resident and a clinical psychologist with more than a decade of cutting-edge scientific
research, will discuss just how essential spirituality is to a child’s physical and mental health at the
United Methodist Church of New Canaan, 165 South Avenue, on Friday, March 2 nd at 10:30 AM.
Dr. Miller will present amazing statistics from her startlingly fresh scientific research. For example,
children who have a positive, active relationship to spirituality are 80 percent more likely to have
positive markers for thriving and high levels of academic success. Although the March 2 nd event has
been planned to facilitate preschool parents’ schedules, the free lecture is for parents and grandparents
of children of any age and will include counteracting the epidemic of suffering depression in healthy
Dr. Miller has appeared on the Today Show, NPR, TEDx, MSNBC, Oprah and Huffington Live. Links to her
online articles in the New York Times, Time, New York and the Washington Post, as well as, an interview
published in Hersam Acorn news, which addresses Fairfield County children’s resiliency needs, can be
accessed on her website, drlisamillerphd.com. The Spiritual Child is offered for sale at the discounted
price of ten dollars at the United Methodist Church office weekdays from 9:00AM -12:30 PM before
March 2 nd for those who wish to read Dr. Miller’s book before her lecture. Copies will also be available
for purchase at the event. Please contact Linda Allen, Coordinator of Children’s Ministries,
LMerrittAllen@gmail.com or 203 966-2666, ext. 816 for more information.