Letter: Vote for Kit Devereaux for First Selectman

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Kit Devereaux has served in more capacities in New Canaan government and not-for-profits than there is space to list. Her tenure on Town Council, Board of Finance and the Charter Review Commission, and her financial services background, provide the necessary experience and skills to manage town government, improve accountability and save taxpayers’ money.

Kit’s track record, including serving on the Parks & Recreation Commission, as president of the League of Women Voters and her many roles at St. Mark‘s Church, provides hard evidence that Kit is collaborative, a good listener, transparent and an effective problem solver. New Canaan needs such qualities to solve challenges like declining state funding for schools and other services, poor cell phone service, inadequate parking, and sloppy oversight of town projects.

Kit will be a hands-on first selectman ensuring effective processes for town projects and collaborating with other town bodies to find reasonable solutions if problems occur. There will be no more surprises regarding construction-project budgets caused by inadequate planning and communication failures.

An additional important reason to vote for Kit: Her opponent, Kevin Moynihan, was an early supporter of Donald Trump. A strong Trump supporter as first selectman would enshrine dangerous divisiveness, hindering collaboration, transparency and rational debate of difficult issues. New Canaan deserves better than that. Vote for Kit for civility and open, effective government!

Angela Jameson

6 thoughts on “Letter: Vote for Kit Devereaux for First Selectman

  1. Your comments pertaining to our President Donald Trump are out of line. You authored a good article but then went down the trash the President media, internet and FATCA hysteria that has divided our country. That attitude negates any positivity toward your thinking. I also voted for President Trump and respect those who did not. The First Selectman race is about New Canaan not your Dislike for our President. Candidate Moynihan has an impressive CV filled with fiscal conservatism, an impressive career as counsel to a international conglomerate diversified Wall Street firm, and a long list of community service. He has shown that he will think outside the box and not rubber stamp policy. Was the alternative presidential candidate Kit and you supported perfect? NOT at all! A CV of deceit and enabling her husband who abused woman and was impeached. However this has no bearing on the Selectman race. Labeling Kevin Moynihan because you dislike President Trump is pathetic and something New Canaan citizens are fighting hard to stop. Attacking residents because their beliefs do not coincide with yours.

  2. Mr. Moynihan lists his role in the Trump campaign on his website as part of his bio. Why isn’t it fair game for voters to consider this in their assessment?

    • Come on Jane. Trashing our President and making an issue of those who support him, over 63,000,000 Americans, on media is a sickness that is dividing our country. It brings a lack of civility to our town political process. Stick to the facts and issues that affect our town.

      • Trump may be your president, but got 3,000,000 fewer votes that Clinton … and even lost in New Canaan! When his own chosen Secretary of State calls him a “moron” in public, what does that say?

        What happens and doesn’t happen in Washington trickles down to New Canaan, so it can’t be ignored.

        Trump may be your president, but he is not mine!

        • How many illegal and double votes George for Clinton? Get over it George, Donald Trump is President of the United States. Act like an adult. We did not go around social media bashing Obama’s apologies to the world and Billiary’s corruption with rioting, attacking innocent first responders, disrespecting our flag and quite frankly making fools of ourselves. Should we make Malloy’s failed policies that are destroying CT and Jim Himes advocating that Foreign terrorists responsible for Sept 11 are covered under our Bill of Rights a First Selectman issue in our Local election. After all as you say: “what happens in Washington trickles down to New Canaan”. Innocent New Canaanites with families lost their lives in the horrific terror attacks on Sept 11. Your party, your First Selectman Candidate and you support Jim Himes who advocated Civil trials under the Bill of Rights for the terrorists and Danal Malloy who has destroyed our state and Home values. I trust no one will decide their First Selectman vote on the fact that your DTC and you find it appropriate to publically dis-respect the Office of the President if the United States.