Letter: Town Council Candidate Roy Abramowitz Has Key Professional Experience

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Voters of New Canaan,

This caucus to endorse candidates is not a popularity contest, although some of what I have read is filled with very nice compliments regardless of the skills or past experience of the party involved.

Past elections have given us good people with great intentions but we have, due to the lack of expertise, found ourselves faced with problems, especially financial that have taken much work to resolve.

In Roy Abramowitz we have a man with years of experience in working with financial matters, past, present and future. He is a man of integrity, a tireless volunteer for community, the Greenwich Council of the BSA, The Starlight Children’s Foundation, etc.

He was a pioneer in the establishment of the town’s Audit Committee and instrumental in establishing the guidelines for its operating procedures. In the belief that financial matters should be in the hands of financial experts, placing him on the Town Council would strengthen that body in its direction and oversight of the community. Implementation of his thoughtfully considered fiscal management programs could prevent the repeat of past costly errors. Had he been involved during the era of material weaknesses in the town’s financial reporting and operations, perhaps we would not have experienced the nearly $4.5 million dollars per year average increase in taxes since 2007 and a quick review of your own property taxes in that period of time.

I strongly urge a well-considered vote for Roy Abramowitz for Town Council. We need him!

Irene Barrack, 46-year resident

3 thoughts on “Letter: Town Council Candidate Roy Abramowitz Has Key Professional Experience

  1. “Had he been involved during the era of material weaknesses in the town’s financial reporting and operations, perhaps we would not have experienced the nearly $4.5 million dollars per year average increase in taxes since 2007. ”

    Sounds like Mrs. B. is criticizing the current First Selectman Rob Mallozzi with a comment like the above. Perhaps she is also supporting Mr. Moynihan?

  2. we should vote for Roy because he cares about you and me
    does everyone care about seniors — maybe maybe not
    Roy knows HUD allows any Town to build senior housing
    for seniors only no children — with age staring at 55
    a nice senior complex without effecting school enrollment and have a + in tax revenue — did we build it -NO !!!
    Dose everyone speak out as Roy does when he see something wrong — he does
    How bad was the bookkeeping in Town — most Towns per the auditor do Yr end Journal entries 3 times before they close the books — the town did 58 journal runs before they got it right
    that right 58 it’s not a typo
    numbers are what Roy does for a living — so numbers mean a lot to him — numbers tell us thing and have a big impact on us — like
    $140 million budget that goes up 1.5% will double in 48 yrs
    but if it goes up 5% it will double in 14.4 yrs — we just had the
    taxes go up 50% in 10yrs — we need a numbers guy on the TC
    and that person is ROY — Vote for Roy

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