To the Editor:
The motto of Rotary is “Service above Self.” This year’s Rotary Lobsterfest certainly lived up to that mantra.

SLOBs senior members Kyle deMayo (president), Jake Neuberger, John Frey and Luigi Derubeis serve lobsters at the Rotary Club’s annual Lobsterfest at the New Canaan Historical Society on Friday, September 22.
On behalf of the entire Rotary Club of New Canaan, we wish to express our appreciation for the many individuals who helped to make this year’s Rotary Lobsterfest the best yet. Thousands of volunteer hours were expended to plan, set up, execute and clean up, and 1400 crustaceans selflessly gave of themselves to further our cause.
The proceeds will be distributed to assist agencies locally, regionally and world wide to help make this world a little warmer, safer and more secure for those less fortunate.
We wish to thank the following sponsors, without whom we could not have been as successful:
Walter Stewarts Market, Karl Chevrolet, Hobbs Inc., HTG Investment Advisors Inc., Benchmark IT,, Reynolds and Rowella, Rucci Law Group, LLC, J. Hilburn, Team Engle, Westport Mortgage, New Canaan Advertiser, Santella Electric, The Glass House, Kenneth Gammill Jr., Esq., New England Academy of Dance, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, CAIM, Bankwell, Berkshire Hathaway,, Charter Oak Beer, Halstead Properties, Melissa Engel, Hoyt Funeral Home, Lambert, Toohey & Rucci, Moffly Media, Netology, Rhone, and Round Rock Advisors.
Thank you,
Fred Baker