Letter: Library’s Planned Town Green ‘A Special and Unique Place’ 

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Dear Editor;

As a thirty year resident of the town of New Canaan, a professional business owner, wife, and mother of three civic minded sons, I am writing to enthusiastically endorse the new New Canaan Library project.  

My husband and I contributed personally to the capital campaign and remain steadfast in our belief in the value of the project to our community now and for years to come.

How do we as a town in a state in financial peril appeal to new families? We must stand out as a community that has made investments in the areas that matter most. We must offer cutting edge, urban quality culture and intellectualism. The library project offers far more to future generations than simply a place to check out books, but rather will provide a safe, open, environment within which thinkers and doers can gather, opine, converse, discover and commune.  

The building itself, with its thoughtful, brilliant, modernist design, will attract people who don’t currently consider the library as an attractive destination.  The Town Green will provide a special and unique space for programming, gathering and community engagement.  Imagine non-profit leaders, makers, and storytellers alike finding a new, beautiful—and open to outside—place to work and create. 

We must think big and creatively to restore the value of our properties and project ahead, looking outside our imaginary walls, to add value and entice new families and thinkers to our town.

My husband and I have not been as excited about a project in our thirty years of residing here as we are about the New Canaan Library project, its potential architectural imprint in the center of town, and its added-value to our community.  

Yours Sincerely,

Taylor Gibson-Ullman

2 thoughts on “Letter: Library’s Planned Town Green ‘A Special and Unique Place’ 

  1. I couldn’t agree more! It will be a space that is both beautiful and well used. A great addition to the town center.

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