Letter: In Support of Christa Kenin for Selectman

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I would like to express my thanks and best wishes to all of the candidates seeking elected office in New Canaan. Your commitment and willingness to serve our town is to be commended.

While our community will benefit from engaging, contested races at the General Election in November – it appears likely as of now that one of the three seats for the Board of Selectmen will be decided at the Republican caucus on July 18th.

Accordingly, I would like to convey my strong support of Christa Kenin who is running for Board of Selectman against the incumbent, Nick Williams. I have had the pleasure of serving on the Town Council with Christa and can attest to her integrity, dedication and passion to serve our constituents. On all topics, you can count on Christa to engage in thorough research, respectfully evaluate of all sides of an issue and actively communicate via digital media and face-to-face engagement to keep us all informed.

Moreover, Christa is not afraid to take stands that may differ from a first selectman or the status quo. Her thoughts and advocacies are meant to serve all constituents not one individual or even one party.

I encourage all registered Democrat and Republican voters to attend the caucuses on Tuesday, July 18th and cast your vote for the candidates who in your view will best represent you, your family and the collective best interests of our community.


Kathleen A. Corbet

[Note: As of Monday, July 17, New Canaanite will not accept letters endorsing candidates for elected office until after the July 18 caucus.]

One thought on “Letter: In Support of Christa Kenin for Selectman

  1. Going to miss You on the TC — you have done more then most
    to get the Town out of the Dark ages of fiance !!!
    We should all listen to you words of wisdom when it comes to
    who can be the better selectmen !!!!

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