Letter: Fine Day for a Parade and Tribute to Our Deceased Veterans

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As I marched in our abbreviated parade Monday, I heard so many in the crowd offer up their thanks for the decision to hold our Memorial Day parade. Just like last year, when the threat of rain caused neighboring towns to cancel their parades and remembrances, New Canaan marched and remembered.

We are a special community and we love our traditions. Some are joyous (the Family Fourth of July) some are religious (gatherings at Hanukkah and Christmas time on God’s Acre) and some are reflective (Veterans Day and Memorial Day observances). All of these form the bonds of our community and are marked on our calendars months in advance. It would be a very sad day indeed if we did not collectively do all we can to facilitate these traditions.

We will continue to march, celebrate and remember as long as there is the slightest chance weather or other obstacles would not be insurmountable or dangerous. Thank you New Canaan for lining our streets, cheering all of the participants on and for attending the Memorial Day Service at Town Hall. It might have been a bit cold and wet, but our town and our deceased veterans deserved the effort and the day.

Robert E Mallozzi III

First Selectman

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