Investigations: Cash, Key Stolen from Home; Fraud Attempt

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Days after $5,000 had been withdrawn illegally from his own mother’s bank account in New York, a 55-year-old man told police that he received a fraudulent phone call at his Elm Street workplace.

It isn’t clear whether the two instances are related.

At about 5:18 p.m. on Feb. 6, the local man told police that he’d received a phone call from someone with an Indian accent saying he was a representative from Bank of America, according to a police report.

The person on the phone identified himself as ‘John Lewis’ said the local man was listed on his mother’s account (untrue) and needed to verify some information in order to get her a refund, the report said.

The caller ID showed a Norwalk phone number, police said.

Later, a different person called from the same phone number, saying he was from an IT company, and when the local man phoned back and relayed that the FBI had been contacted, the party at the other end hung up immediately.

Police are investigating.


A Greenley Road woman told police that a spare house key and envelope with $1,600 cash went missing from her home some time between Feb. 4 and 6.

The cash had been left on a kitchen table for a friend who was going to let movers into the house while the homeowner was away, according to a police report. The key had been left in a different location, it said.

When the homeowner returned, the front door was unlocked, which it should not have been, and the spare key and envelope were both gone, police said.

Some painters had been in the house in the interim, and they are trusted people who the homeowner has used for years, police said.

She reported the larceny at 9:21 a.m. on Feb. 7.

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