What follows are excerpts from parking ticket appeals letters filed recently with the New Canaan Parking Bureau. Where available, we’ve included information on the violation for which these people were cited, in what amount, and where and when the violation occurred.

A van driver parks on Park Street near CVS on March 9. DT photo
“This is the 2nd ticket I have received in about a month’s time. I am the parish secretary at [a church] and at certain times, especially during the busy Lenten season, I need to park in front of my office. I do this on a daily basis, just when the employee lot is full, have things to cart into the office, in and out to run an errand in town, etc. Although we appreciate you keeping a watchful eye on the parking in front of the office for cars that are illegally parked and not here on parish business, I don’t want to keep getting these tickets every month. I am respectfully appealing this ticket and asking you to maybe put my license plate number on a ‘do not ticket’ list.”
—$20 for overtime parking on Maple Street, at 3:39 p.m. on March 3

Creative parking on Elm Street. TD photo
“Yesterday, 3/9/16, a friend and I took advantage of the nice weather and headed to New Canaan for a day trip as a distraction from our stressful lives. One of us is facing a very serious medical condition and the other has a son who is chronically ill. Several hours away from our situations can sometimes be a welcome reprieve. We parked in the municipal lot at 174 South Avenue, ate at a local restaurant, shopped, and were certain to return to the lot before two hours had passed, so that we could pay for parking, move the car, and continue to enjoy our day. Imagine our surprise when we approached the meter pay station and were unable to pay our parking fee. The signs in the lot clearly say ‘Pay to Park’ and not ‘Pay WHEN You Park,’ and so we were misled, thinking we paid upon exit, as has been our experience in many other parking lots of other towns, businesses, and medical facilities. Returning to our car to find a $20 ticket made for a very unpleasant discovery, especially since we had, in good faith, intended to and attempted to pay for our parking, just not realizing that payment was expected at the time one parked, rather than at the time one exited the lot. We would be most appreciative if you might reconsider charging my friend with this fee, as it seems quite high for parking for two hours, given the fact that we had every intention of paying for the fewer-than-two-hours our car spent in the municipal lot.”
—$20 for unpaid space at Morse Court, at 11:38 a.m. on March 9

Hi there. MF photo
“On March 3, 2016 I [Name] was making a delivery to 80 Main St. During the time there was a driver in the van because my hazard lights were on. While finishing my delivery of 4 boxes over 90 lbs each a parking authority came up to me and basically threw the ticket at me. I did ask why was I being given a ticket, she stated I was in a handicap zone. I was really double parked with someone in the driver seat. I don’t think this ticket is fair at all, along with a poor attitude from the employee.”
—$100 for handicapped zone on Main Street, at 10:23 a.m. on March 3

A lousy parking job in the Acme (former Food Emporium) lot in New Canaan. SE photo
“Loading zone filled with passenger vehicles, double parked to unload coffee equipment in front of location & when I went to park vehicle noticed had a ticket. Not even parked 5 minutes.”
—$50 for double parking on Main Street, at 12:13 p.m. on March 9
“I would like to appeal this citation. If I have to appear in person, I will not appeal but will be VERY annoyed and shop less in my local stores. I had a Dr. appt with [a doctor]. I put an appropriate amount of money in the meter—$1 for what should have been a simple, short visit. She [the doctor] was running late, so I got to my car 10 minutes after the expiration time. I am enclosing my receipt so you can see I had paid. As I said, the doctor was late and the procedure took longer than I would have expected, so I would not expect to pay a fine for this. If I still have to pay the fine, I hope you will let me know before it goes up to $40.”
—$20 for overtime parking
“Parked in yellow triangle in front of my business with motorcycle. Have been told in past, it was fine to park there. Parked there all of last year and have never received a ticket. I am able to park in alley behind restaurant & would be happy to do so, but since I had permission, I used location as I always have.”
—$30 for no parking zone, at 2:17 p.m. on March 9
“No remaining daily commuter parking spots at Talmadge Hill Station. Parked on grass—but paid for parking—using closest spot #59. Have receipt for that day, plus credit card info. If check register for that day—you should see 2 paid spots for #59.”
—$30 for parking on grass area at Talmadge Hill Lot, 11:51 a.m. on March 3
“I have been parking in the same spot for two years today I randomly received two tickets if I was informed the spot were being monitored I would not have parked there.”
—$20 for overtime parking and $40 for second violation on Park Street, at 12:04 and 2:12 p.m. on Feb. 18
“I very recently started working for [a company] on Grove Street in New Canaan, however my residence is in Dutchess County, New York. This morning the weather was inclement and my husband remotely started my car. I drove to work not realizing I did not have my remote key fob/key with me. When I arrived at work, it was necessary for me to park on the street. I went to move my car 2 hours after arriving which is when I realized I did not have my remote key fob/key with me. I went out a little later in the afternoon and saw that I had 2 tickets on my car. I am respectfully requesting that these tickets be reversed. I am new to working in this area and still learning the ins and outs of New Canaan and moving forward will be 100% sure I have my remote key fob/key with me.”
—$20 for overtime parking and $40 for second violation on Grove Street, at 12:47 and 3:27 p.m. on Feb. 10
“I went to church to talk to the father. I parked around 1:30 p.m. and left 2:45 p.m. Thanks for understanding.”
—$20 for overtime parking on Park Street, at 2:11 p.m. on Feb. 18
“It was an early, dark and stormy morning when I pulled into the Lumberyard Parking Lot on Wednesday, February 24th. And, with all of the rain that day and it still being dark @ approximately 6:05 a.m. when I pulled in, I missed the faded and worn striping, and unfortunately parked outside the lines at the end of one row. That said, and given the poor visibility that morning, weather conditions and faded stripes, I am writing to appeal this ticket and ask that you give me the benefit of the doubt for making an honest mistake.”
“I received three parking tickets on February 24, 2016 and the reason given on the citation was overtime parking, park 2nd violation and other. I am a working mom who commutes to New York city four times a week. As we all know it is very hard to get a permanent parking spot in town. My husband is on the waiting list and we hope to get one soon. By the time I am taking the train the all day spots are taken. I usually park on the 90 minutes parking zone and my assistant moves my car before my parking time runs out. On February 24, 2016 she was suppose to do that but she forgot. For the aforementioned reasons I am asking you to dismiss my parking tickets.”
—$20, $40 and $30 for overtime parking, park 2nd violation and other (respectively) in Pine Street Lot, at 11:17 a.m., 12:57 p.m. and 3:41 p.m. on Feb. 24.
“I had to go into New York City unexpectedly on an emergency and forgot to take a daily parking permit that I have. Since I needed to catch the train, I could not return home and retrieve a permit. Accordingly, I am appealing this ticket, and would be happy to release one of my daily permits instead. Thank you for your consideration.”
“Please note the time on my visit to the Chase Bank branch above [receipt attached]. I ran in to get change for the meter and a deposit. The meter maid must have issued a ticket within no more than 1 minute from my leaving my car to get change for the meter. I would hope the Town of New Canaan, which I love and utilize for banking, dining etc etc, would have a 5-minute grace period for circumstances such as this.”
—$20 fine