9 thoughts on “Full Disclosure: A Face Only a Mother Could Love  

  1. As you wrote, this article is pure, parental, guilty pleasure. Loved every last syllable and wagon wheel reference. More Wagon Wheel next time, please.

    Still giggling,

    Ed Ho

  2. This is excellent! We have a fun family memory from South School about 5 years ago. One of my kids came home with an envelope that had no photos, just a letter that said our son’s photo “did not meet our standard of quality”, so they did not even attempt to provide it for us. Hahahahaha! Our family members have all tried to describe what we think that too-terrible-for-a-school-photo could have looked like. (The retake was pretty good, btw.)

  3. Oh my. Thank you for this! I, too, spotted the Pioneer girl chic at Center. I had the glasses to boot too! This article made me howl as I continued to read. I will post a few of my “retakes” as I pimp – I mean share – your latest masterpiece! 😍😍

  4. This is fantastic. Dorthy Hamill isn’t high on my list either. I remember your senior photo, I think it’s wonderful! NCHS red 🙂

  5. Susan Gelvin this has me laughing out loud. The wagon wheel. Too much. I love you for bravely sharing photos of the awkward years. We all have them!! This is one amazing piece – my clear favorite. Thank you for brightening up my Friday. Xxx

  6. I knew Sue Gelvin back then. She was not a dork. She was nice to dorks, but was definitely one of the cool kids. Great writing.

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